Vista Pacifica Chiropractic Dr C. Walt Klishevich,DC
Vista Pacifica Chiropractic Dr C. Walt Klishevich,DC 

News, health information, nutrition and exercises:

Take care of your eyes this summer: reduce the suns affects by getting enough Lutein, 5-10 mg per day supplement, or, eating plenty of kale and spinach. The pigments in it help to decrease macular degeneration and cataracts, and strengthens against the effects of type II diabetes.



One of my patients recently asked, "How much should I exercise"

After age 30 getting your cartilage and joint support structures to regenerate takes longer. In other words, you are wearing those areas down. For  athletes and those people exercising 52 weeks a year, it is important to give those structures a break every now and then. For my patients I recommend taking a break every three months. Get rid of your high impact training for 10 days; jump rope, dead-lifts, deep knee lunges, jogging (yes jogging, especially if it is more than twice a week or over 30 minutes). Also, a good joint supplement such as glucosamine should be considered.



 By the Way:

About one-in-five U.S. kids, ages 2 through 19, are obese, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



May 3, 2023 UCLA Research Aricle:


"Exercise is a frequent topic in the letters we get, and we have often discussed the wide range of physical, mental and emotional benefits that being active can confer. These include a lower risk of developing high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, obesity and metabolic syndrome. Exercise has also been linked to a lower incidence of certain cancers. And your turning to exercise to help manage anxiety is spot-on. Numerous studies, as well as a wealth of anecdotal data, correlate regular workouts with improved mental and emotional health. This includes issues such as stress, poor mood, depression and anxiety.

... a recent body of research suggests that shorter workouts may be more beneficial than extended ones. In fact, studies show even two-minute bursts of intense exercise, such as powering up a few flights of stairs, or sprinting the last few hundred yards to a destination, are associated with measurable health benefits. It’s not the duration of the exercise that matters in these instances -- it’s the intensity. This type of exercise has been shown to be quite effective at helping to build muscle and bolstering the cardiovascular system.

The current exercise recommendations for adults are 150 minutes of moderate activity -- or 75 minutes of intense activity -- per week. For kids and teens, it’s one hour per day. Add up your twice-daily runs, and you’re exceeding those standards."

Turning daily exercise into a long-term habit can be a challenge for many people. So, start with slower time intervals making it more comfortable and enjoyable, Change it up and create a workout schedule that you can stick with for one month and increase from there.

Call for questions.

Enjoy your workouts !!

Dr Walt


Start feeling your best!

Office Location



4560 Admiralty Way, Suite 302

Marina del Rey, CA 90292 


Office Hours

Monday 8am to 6pm

Tuesday 8am to 7 pm

Wednesday 8am to 6pm

Thursday 8am to 7pm

Friday 8am to 5pm

Saturday 9:30 am to 12pm


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